The job of a landscape architect is to care for the well being of the public through beautiful surroundings and safe environments. I have always had the desire to do this, but now I want to do so much more. I want to help solve the problems in our cities, around our children, and in our own backyards. I want to help educate others that they are the stewards of the land, that we can create sustainable landscapes together and help improve the lives of those that live in less than desirable situations. As a landscape architect I hope to achieve these goals.
My love for the outdoor environment has been with me throughout my life, but as a career it came to me on a study abroad through Europe. There, I was able to see how gardens have inspired literature and culture for centuries. At that point, I changed my major and graduated with a horticulture degree. I have had the opportunity to work as a landscape designer since graduation, and have strived to be involved in groups that want to improve and properly manage our environment. My current goal is to complete my post graduate schooling at UCLA, become licensed, and have fun while doing it.
There are many steps to become a landscape architect, but the most important step is to never stop learning, because that is the only way to achieve your goals.